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French I Wish I Learned in French Class → 2
(Re)Intro to the French Language
Update August 2023
School is in session (3:22)
10 Commandments of this Course
Resources that are worth your time (3:46)
This French Course 101
The real intro to the French language (5:30)
How English and French are set up (5:41)
Your accent: That's your badge of honor boo (4:19)
Ok, so how do you speak your native language?
The French you need to know now
French Survival Guide (4:23)
Words for when you're stuck and don't know what to say (3:34)
Emphasis: Don't hit those French syllables like you do in English (2:58)
Sounds to make you sound fluent (0:45)
Affiliate Program
Reflexives: flexin' on em!
Study Notes
I'm waking up, but going right back to sleep (12:39)
I walk my dog vs I go for a walk (6:26)
Oneself, Each other, and having a hangover (14:22)
Les Devoirs (11:40)
Indirect Objects: To whomst? Am I just an object to you!
Study Notes
I know you don't care what a Direct or Indirect Object is (18:50)
Baby if you give it to me, I'll give it you (10:46)
Les devoirs (11:03)
Adding on Level 1
Le Passé Composé: Breaking up the past
Study Notes
You need to know what a past participle is. (8:11)
The man who got stuck in le tourniquet (18:11)
Hopelessly devoted to the 17 être verbs (14:24)
Reflexives (8:31)
The half-price negation sandwich (6:02)
Knowing your place in the passé composé (13:08)
Les devoirs (10:39)
L'Imparfait: Ironically more perfect than the other tenses
Study Notes
I was, I used to, I would (17:17)
Everything you'll probably wanna say when talking about the past (12:48)
Il fallait & Il y avait (6:14)
Les Devoirs (8:44)
Le Conditionnel: I would, could, and should, but prob won't
Study Notes
What would you do if you son was at home? (7:18)
If irregulars were easier, then everyone would do them correctly (19:48)
Giving unsolicited advice with Il faudrait & Il y aurait (9:27)
Les Devoirs (10:15)
Le Futur: When you use the future, cuz you're talking about the future
Study Notes
Will you come get me please? (6:36)
Who's gonna tell English? (3:29)
Irregulars: What will you do with all those humps? (5:07)
Il faudra, Il va falloir, Il y aura, & Il va y avoir (7:15)
If I want to learn Spanish, I will. (8:17)
Les devoirs (10:36)
Adverbs & Gerunds: the ings and lys
Study Notes
Throw that adverb in a circle (16:17)
French tINGs (15:41)
Y, En, & Hein ?
Study Notes
Y, En, & Hein ? (17:44)
Les Devoirs (9:39)
Commands: Bossing people around in the name of language learning
Study Notes
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air (15:54)
Réveillez-vous ! (5:40)
Teach me how to love (8:03)
The affirmative order of everything (3:02)
Don't mess with my man! (10:03)
Don't gimme me that! ft La Marseillaise (8:04)
Les devoirs (12:07)
The Perfect Tenses: See what had happened was...
Study Notes
The past perfect: I had had (8:39)
The conditional perfect: I would have (6:58)
The future perfect: I will have (3:10)
The past perfect: être (4:15)
The conditional perfect: être (3:13)
The future perfect: être (2:54)
Joey Tribbiani: to have given, received, shared, and loved (8:16)
Les Devoirs (7:18)
Subjunctive: Subjecting yourself to it
Study Notes
WTF is the subjunctive? (6:21)
Getting all emotional (6:49)
I want you to do this for me (3:06)
Power move #1: Il faut que tu saches, Margot (8:07)
Power move #2: Pour que tu m'aimes encore (7:46)
I don't know what's real anymore (2:29)
La conjugaison: basically ER verbs with a twist (8:54)
Les Devoirs (14:13)
The end (of the beginning)
Behind the Scenes (6:08)
Certificate of Completion
Don't gimme me that! ft La Marseillaise
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